Care packages 101: what’s in the box?
Token Brad Pitt reference.
Now that we have our boxes and customs forms, we need to fill those care packages! Obviously, you want to fill up the box with stuff your solider likes, and you want that stuff to arrive still reasonably fresh and edible. Here’s a list of what you can and cannot send (it’s not official, but it gives you a good idea). I’ve found that commercially processed baked goods tend to last longer during shipping. Even cookies made from refrigerated cookie dough can last better than dough made from scratch. And remember, flat rate boxes have to weigh more than 70 pounds to go in price, BUT you want to make sure that the box itself can be closed easily and is flat. If the box is bulging, they might charge you more (but somehow the Postal Service is bankrupt even though they nickel and dime us).
What Mac likes:
Microwave meals
Mio (liquid drink mix) or Crystal Light packets (dry drink mix)
Easy Mac
Individually packaged food like 100 calorie packs (doesn’t stale as quickly)
Rice Krispie treats (instead of packing peanuts)
Other ideas:
Toilet paper
Moist butt wipes
Video games
Workout DVDs
Laundry detergent sheets
Dryer sheets
Hygiene stuff (soap, razor blades, wet wipes, etc.)
What do you put in care packages?