Wedding gift giving as a guest

I’m off to a sorority sister’s wedding today! Congrats to Annie and Brian!

I posted last year about the various wedding gifts we received: money, gift cards, and gifts both on and not on our registries. Several of my sorority sisters have gotten married between last June and now, and I’ve purchased wedding gifts for them (from the registry, of course). I tend to stick to the registry because I would have no idea what to get them otherwise and try to spend the same amount of money on the items; a lot of times I buy a bunch of the smaller individual things. I remember talking to my big in college, who hailed from Long Island, and she mentioned that their normal wedding gift was to give cash in an amount hopefully close to the cost of each meal.

jewish wedding gift table
I spy with my little eye: Bed, Bath, & Beyond gifts

If you buy gifts off the registry, do you have a set amount of money to spend?

If you give money, do you try to guess how much the meal cost or do you just write a check?