Now that we’ve been in Augusta a few months, we’ve had some time to adjust to living in a 3 bedroom apartment.
Things I like
The general size: we didn’t need a 5 bedroom house. It was a lot of space we couldn’t fill up or use. Our apartment is a nice size for us, and it’s easy to clean. Also, our extra bedrooms are larger than the extra rooms in North Carolina, so we have more space.
One level: having all of our living on the same level is very convenient.
Closet space: we used our garage in North Carolina to store a lot of seasonal items and Mac’s Army gear. Luckily, our two extra bedrooms have huge closets, so we’ve managed to cram everything into them. No storage units needed!
Things I don’t like
The kitchen: our kitchen here is tiny compared to our house in North Carolina. We really only have one usable counter which limits what we do. I enjoy cooking, so this is slightly problematic.
The master bedroom: the size of our bedroom isn’t particularly small. But we own every piece of our bedroom furniture set, so it’s a bit of a tight squeeze.
The lack of natural light: I love having windows and doors open to let in light (and it saves on the power bill). We only have windows on one side, and the windows in the main room are covered by the porch.
How did y’all adjust from living in a house to an apartment?
whit | Black Little Button blog says
we moved into more space, but i hate to see the day when we do move back to an apartment. it will be rough. we have too much stuff.
Ashley says
I also had the problem of limited counter space in my apartment. It stinks when you are trying to make a meal and you can’t sit everything you want / need on the counter.
Munchkins and the Military says
I sort of touched on this today also! If I had to do it again, I’d definitely get a regular sized house for career course! We love entertaining, but weren’t planning on doing much of that here, so we stuck with a town house. Looks like people are coming over this weekend, and I wish we had a bigger space.
Jen says
We lived in an apartment first before we moved onto post at Bragg. It’s a tough adjustment but sometimes I still miss an apartment haha.
Kirstie Semler says
I love our upstairs neighbors but I HATE The sounds of their footsteps above us and not having a backyard to BBQ in is something we use to enjoy doing. But other then that our apartment is a great size and new remodeled kitchen so I can’t complain too much.
Julie Danielle says
I haven’t gone from a house to an apartment but our kitchen in this house is tiny. I didn’t worry too much about it since I am not a big cook but it is starting to get to me.