Racking and stacking

Or, as I say, rackin’ and stackin’. Mac got the first unofficial list of potential jobs for junior captains after his career course. Much to my dismay, Fort Lewis wasn’t even on there. I really wanted to go to Fort Lewis.

No more Seattle. Whomp whomp.

There’s a fair mix of jobs, but a lot of the available jobs just listed the post, not the actual job position. Mac has decided he wants to pick a job then decide on the location, if that job has multiple openings. In true Texan fashion, his several classmates from Texas have laid claim to the positions at three different posts in Texas. We’ve talked about the possibility of him deploying a second time or taking a job where I couldn’t go with him (certain jobs in Korea or in the Middle East). While this isn’t ideal, it could be good for his overall career.

We’re also considering an OCONUS move (outside the continental US). Again, it would depend on the job and the location. We’re open to moving overseas, but we’re not planning on that right now. Mac’s just going to research the jobs that interest him to better prepare himself to make a decision.

Hopefully, the full, official list (that includes info like whether or not that unit will be deploying soon) will be published in the next week or two. It’ll be nice for Mac to actually know about the jobs, so he can decide what he wants to do.

What did y’all consider when looking at your job lists? Would you live overseas?