Pins that work
We all see seemingly great ideas on Pinterest. But what pins are junk and which actually work? Here are some of my now go-to tips.
Washing shower curtain and liner. I use a hot water setting, detergent, and Oxi Clean. Much easier than buying a new liner every time the old one gets funky.
Cleaning microfiber with hydrogen peroxide. Joey had a microfiber couch and love seat which got really gross because Joey liked to use them as napkins. Really. I cleaned them a few times (like before our families came for the wedding) by spraying hydrogen peroxide on the fabric then wiping it up with a white sponge (prevents sponge from staining).
Removing nail polish. Tear cotton ball into pieces. Soak in polish remover. Wrap around nail and leave for several seconds. The polish should come off pretty easily.
Black tea on sunburns. This tip was Heaven sent. Steep black tea (look for plain tea bags) and sponge it on your burned skin.
Slicing watermelon. Another really useful one. You slice the watermelon in half then lop off the top. You remove the rest of the rind by cutting down, and you can cube the fruit easily.
What are your now go-to pins?