Just because we’re springing forward

I woke up to my 9 am alarm on Sunday, groggy and bewildered as to how it was already 9 am. After all, we did leave the bar in Georgetown wayyy past our bedtime but waaayyyyy before closing. I can neither confirm nor deny that we left before midnight. Old people problems. Then it hit me: daylight savings time. That bitch.

Dammit, Tyrone.

The weather is finally trending warmer. Don’t crucify me, but these weeks of highs in the 40s and 50s with bracing winds are not my thang. Give me 100 degrees any day. Until August 4-ish. Then I’ll want fall.

A change in the weather means a change in the wardrobe. Sunshine and warm, long days beg for light, flowy spring dresses.






And maybe some cute espadrille wedges to make Kate Middleton proud.


What sort of styles are you crushing on this spring?