I’ve got sunshine
Thanks to the sweet, sweet Rachel over at The Professional Army Wife for nominating me for the Sunshine Award! Answer the questions, write ten of your own, then nominate ten blogs that make you smile!
1. What did you have for lunch today?
Well, I’ll go with yesterday’s lunch. Chick-Fil-A nuggets, waffle fries, and lemonade.
2. Since we’re on the subject of food, what’s your favorite meal?
Black olive pizza. Which I had last night for dinner.
3. Name the most unusual item in your purse right now.
I probably have an unmatched earring rolling around in there.
4. Tell me something you are looking forward to the most in the next week.
As sad as it is, taking Purrburger back to the vet for a check-up. I’m hoping her ear infections have healed, so we can stop the daily torture of giving her ear drops.
5. How about the next couple months?
Finding out where we’re moving next and hopefully moving!!! Mac’s branch manager told him that he wouldn’t get orders until October 1 (when the fiscal year ends).
6. Where did you go on your last vacation?
Savannah and Charleston.
7. What are your favorite pair of shoes? Can you share a picture too?
I love my four pairs of Sperry Top-Siders. No, I do not own a boat.
8. What do you love the most about Fall? If not, what do you dislike?
Everything. The cooler weather, being able to drive with my windows down, baseball playoffs, football.
9. Who is your celebrity doppelganger?
I don’t think I have one.
10. If you found a genie in a bottle, what would be your three wishes?
Enough money to live comfortably and pay off my student loans, tougher penalties for parole violators, and world peace.
My nominations:
Lauren at Fizz and Frosting
Kristyn at Carolina Fireflies
Sam at Reddy or Knot
Sarah at The Not Quite Military Wife
Kalyn at Love, Laughter, Happily Ever After
Julie at Becoming a Navy Wife
Stephanie at Share the Love
Katie at Spirals and Spatulas
Lauren at The Albrechts Blog
Lisa at Two Martinis
My questions:
1. What is your favorite holiday?
2. How long have you lived in your current home?
3. Do you have any pets? Their names?
4. What is the meal you cook the most?
5. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
6. What did you wear on your last first date?
7. If you had a day to do anything, what would you do?
8. What sports teams do you cheer for?
9. Which TV character are you most like?
10. Are jorts (jean shorts) a deal breaker for your relationship?