Accident or grand design

Do you ever wonder how you and your spouse wound up together? Like how in the grand scheme of the whole world y’all met and fell in love? It’s funny how those things can work out. Mac and I had a fair number of friends in common and even attended the same parties, but it took us over a year to meet.

I’m slightly out the picture next to the girl in the back left.

Mac is undoubtedly next to the guy in between
our heads in the background.

We didn’t even know the other existed back in September of 2008 at our future bridesmaid’s birthday party. Little did we know that our worlds would collide in about six months. It’s funny because I was at this party with the guy I was slightly but not officially involved with, and Mac was on again, off again with his ex-girlfriend.

But then we met one night in a sorority sister’s younger brother’s apartment who happened to live a few buildings away from Mac. Something sparked, and that spark grew into a fire over the next week. We started dating four years ago today, after DTR-ing, and went on our first date on Mac’s 23rd birthday.

I didn’t know it at the time, but I was in love with him. A love that I had never felt, and a love that I never even knew existed. When he told me he loved me for the first time (judge away but it was about a week after we met sometime between when we started dating and our first date), I responded with, “I think I love you, too.” Because I had no idea what true love was. Every day, I find out a little bit more.

Back on March 27, 2009, Mac and I didn’t know we were going to get married. We didn’t know that our casual college romance would eventually include too many good-byes, deployments, and moves. But there’s nobody I would rather walk through life with, and I thank God that His plan included us, together.