Please enjoy our processional music.
Pastor Cook, Mac, and BM El Cunado walked in from the side of the gazebo.
Since two of the grandmothers have walkers, we didn’t do a traditional “seating” of them. Mac’s parents headed down the aisle first.
Next down the aisle was Mama, escorted by GM Shann.
Next was BM JBenz.
Followed by BM Antlers.
Finally, MOH Sister.
The music changed, and my dad and I moved up the path and onto the aisle.

All photos courtesy of Carolina MediaStar.
Our wedding weekend:
Friday, we rehearsed, relaxed over dinner, and hosted an open house. Wedding morning dawned bright and early, we got prettified, then had our first look. We waited for some guests and headed down the aisle. Our ceremony was short and sweet, and we finished our family portraits. We were introduced at our reception, ate dinner, raised a few toasts, shared special dances, and didn’t smash our cake. We rounded up our friends for some group shots then snuck out for some private moments while they danced the night away. We partied til the end, packed up the car, and enjoyed a quiet night in our home. Sunday, we said goodbye over brunch and drove into the sunset to an Outer Banks honeymoon.