TV shows and movies

  • GoT Season 6 Finale

    Spoilers below. Seriously, don’t read this is you haven’t watched the season 6 finale. OMG. OMG. OMG. What even happened last night? I was tweeting like a maniac because SO MUCH WAS HAPPENING.  Here are some of my lingering thoughts. Major new library goals inspired by the Citadel. Cersei is cray cray. If Jaime killed…

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  • I need answers

    We’re in the midst of Season 6 of Game of Thrones (if you want to experience me live-tweeting, follow me on Twitter). Careful, spoilers-ish ahead. Watch Episode 3 before reading. This season has been off to a rocket start, and we’ve had a lot of story lines make major progress in three episodes. I am…

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  • A farewell to Downton Abbey

    Better late than never, right? Last week, we said good-bye to the Crawleys, and the doors of Downton Abbey closed for the last time. I have to say I was devastated. I jumped on the Downton bandwagon a bit late, but I fell in love instantly. The scripts, the costumes, the sumptuous extravagance of a…

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  • Summer TV

    I’m not a big “trendy” TV watcher. No Bachelor / Bachelorette or Dancing with the Stars on my DVR. Add to that the fact that most shows take a summer hiatus, and I’m constantly surfing through my 600+ channel line-up with nothing to watch. But I do have a few shows that I can’t miss…

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  • Life lately

    I rewatched seasons 1-4 of Game of Thrones, meaning I watched as many hours of TV in a week as people work. The Rains of Castamere is on repeat in my head. I replaced the screen protector on my phone with a tempered glass one. It is glorious, and everyone should buy one today. I’ve been…

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