
  • H54F: move update

    1. I really never said anything official here, but our offer was accepted on the house I found in October. We are closing on Tuesday! 2. All of our stuff was packed up on Monday and should be en route to Colorado. 3. I never knew how materialistic I was until my household goods spent…

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  • H54F: sunshine and food safety

    1. I’m off to sunny Florida this weekend for a food safety and quality conference. The last time I went, this conference was in St. Louis in November. 2. I’m packing a bathing suit and sunscreen. It’s practically Halloween. 3. My original plan was to attend a two-day advanced SQF course before the conference started. That…

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  • H54F: fall edition

    1. I woke up at the ass-crack of dawn this morning to go to the DMV. Now that I’m awake, I have zero motivation to leave my very warm bed and deal with humanity. 2. It’s officially fall. I’m excited because 1) I love fall, and 2) winter is coming (you’re welcome, fellow GOTers). Winter…

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  • Sunday Social

    1. One Show you would love to see on Netflix that isn’t there. FRIENDS. Why isn’t Friends on Netflix??? 2. One song you wish they would play more on the radio Classic country. Trisha Yearwood (as I watch her cooking show), the classics by Tim McGraw, George Strait, and all those 90s jams. 3. Your…

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