H54F: sunshine and food safety
1. I’m off to sunny Florida this weekend for a food safety and quality conference. The last time I went, this conference was in St. Louis in November.
2. I’m packing a bathing suit and sunscreen. It’s practically Halloween.
3. My original plan was to attend a two-day advanced SQF course before the conference started. That sold out; I signed up for a one-day advanced HACCP course. I booked my flight before the first course sold out, so I have all day Sunday with no plans. I looked at going to SeaWorld (the conference is at the SeaWorld resort) or even Disney. One day tickets are obscenely expensive, so I’m thinking a pool day is in order.
4. At least the Broncos won last night.
5. Y’all, I have a serious problem: I am incapable of passing up things that are Tech or Alpha Gam colored. These adorable mittens came home with me yesterday. I seriously considered wearing them to the bar where we watched the game last night.
Hope y’all have a great weekend!