Why I love Pure Barre
I’ve tried a lot of different workouts over the years, and Pure Barre is definitely one of my favorites.

1. The class is an hour long, but it’s broken down into workout groups: warm-up, arms, thighs, seat, abs, and cool down. You don’t even notice the time going by.
2. You can results quickly. Pure Barre says you can notice results within ten classes, assuming those ten classes are finished reasonably closely to each other. I didn’t go to class for about two weeks and can already see the new muscle definition from when I started going again.
3. It’s fun. If you haven’t picked this up, I despise working out. Going to the gym is a necessary evil, largely because machine-based workouts are boring to me because I have to sit there and count out every rep. Pure Barre involves constant movement and modifications. You also don’t count reps or sets, so you don’t focus on how much longer.
4. It helps me focus on me. One downside of workout classes is the inevitable comparison to the other students. Yes, I do look to see what they are doing (mainly to check my own form), but each movement set is intense enough that you really don’t focus on them, you focus on yourself.
Do y’all have any workouts that you love? What are they?