A confession
Eight months ago, Mac and I picked up our marriage license at the Cumberland County courthouse, went across the street to the Magistrate’s Office, and were married. I texted my friend, Megan, who works downtown to come be our second witness, and we celebrated our union at Chili’s (because we had gift cards, classy). This might come as a shock because we still had a full wedding.
We kept our nuptials on the DL for the most part (we told our parents and family). We decided to wear our wedding bands and didn’t lie if people noticed and asked why.
So why did we get married then have our wedding? Well, we had started planning the wedding while Mac was deployed, had paid all of our vendor deposits, and we still wanted to celebrate our marriage with our friends and family. We figured it would be easier to make things legal at that point in time, so I could enroll in the Army benefits. Not the most romantic reason.
It’s funny to see how much your relationship can change and evolve in eight short months. Mac returning from deployment took some adjusting, but we’ve made it through. I love him more now than I did on December 15, 2011. I do wonder how celebrities can’t make it work. We’ve been busy with life and work that it’s easy to forget how quickly time flies.
Any other married couples amazed at how fast your first year goes by?