Home organization
I feel like today’s modern woman has to blog about her perfect marriage, tidy home, nutritious recipes cooked fresh daily, and her 2.5 children. Being Mormon, living in Utah, and owning Etsy shops are bonus points. Clearly, all I’ve got going for me is the marriage part. Because of Pinterest, I’ve spent hours perusing organizational methods of wives and mothers in an effort to corral the ever-expanding piles of crap in our home, and I decided to share some of my tricks with y’all.
From Pinterest, figures. |
Cleaning baskets: I keep cleaning supplies in handy-dandy Dollar Tree baskets in both bathrooms that I clean and under the kitchen sink. I’m more motivated to clean when I don’t have to schlep chemical bottles around the house. I started out with square baskets, but these oblong ones can accommodate the paper towel roll, as well. Be still, my beating heart.
Magazine articles: Currently I subscribe to three or four magazines which tend to pile up quickly. In my post-wedding purge, I began going through several years of Martha Stewart Living and Southern Living (among others) and tearing out articles or recipes that caught my eye. The articles were sorted in general categories (recipes, home decor, travel, gardening, and clothing) and stuffed in pocket dividers. Each divider is about the thickness of a magazine.

From this… |
… to this. |
Memory boxes: I snagged photo boxes from Michael’s for $2 each. I tend to save tickets, cards, programs, and such from holidays and trips. Each box is labeled with a year, and all items from that year go in it (and off the floor or desk). If I take Mac’s advice and begin scrapbooking, all of my momentos are already sorted.
What do y’all do to organize?