Growing the bloggy blog
I made growing my blog to a point of creating income one of my 25for25 goals. Since January, I’ve added almost 50 followers and have increased my page views to around 3000 a month. So I’m sharing some tips to help my fellow small bloggers out there grow, too. Not that anyone asked for my advice.
– Educate yourself about blogging. Maybe you created a blog on a whim one day and had no absolutely no clue what to do. Maybe you struggled to create a blog design using Blogger’s templates even though you’ve created websites from scratch. You will do nothing but help your blog by learning more. I picked up a copy of Food Blogging for Dummies because I wanted to improve my picture taking, post recipes on Pinterest, and gain worldwide fame and fortune. I also signed up for Bloggy Boot Camp hosted by the SITS Girls. I will be attending May 18 in Charlotte. If you’re interested in going or already attending, let me know!
– Join every link-up you can find. Make sure to the follow the rules (like following the hostesses), keep with the post topic, and check out new blogs. Sign up to co-host if you can.
– When you check out a new blog and follow it, be sure to leave a comment with your blog info.
– When you get new followers, follow them back. If you have a website or profile on GFC, I will follow it. I have also creeped to find out blogs. You don’t need to do that.
– Reply to comments (practice what you preach, Lisa, geez). I’m terrible about replying to comments, and I apologize. I do love that y’all comment, and I’m going to be better than I am now.
– Be open to sponsoring and swapping ads. If you find a blog you enjoy reading, consider swapping ad space or sponsoring that blog. Swapping is generally free, while ads cost money. Just know what you are willing and able to spend. Larger blogs tend to charge more for ad space.
– Blog frequently and passionately. You don’t have to post every day (or twice a day like me when I was writing wedding recaps), but it helps to publish several times a week. When I read blogs, I tend to look at the new posts in my reading list first. Also write about topics you enjoy or just your day. If you don’t cook, you don’t have to post about cooking. It’s your blog.
What other advice would y’all give to small bloggers like me? What was the best blog advice someone gave you?