Army Wife First World Problems

**This is meant to light-hearted and sarcastic. Don’t get your panties in a bunch. If you don’t like my jokes, don’t read my blog.**

You ever see those ridiculous first-world problem memes where people complain about how great we have it in the greatest country in the world? I decided to contribute my first world problems as an Army wife.

1. The line at the pharmacy was so long. Now, I have to wait for my free prescriptions.

2. The movers packed my wardrobe boxes when I wasn’t around, so my entire closet is unorganized.

3. Someone asked for my social security number. I started to say my husband’s.

4. The line at the commissary is so long. Everyone must be here to get that 30% discount (hahahaha, who saves 30%?).

5. I can’t order a super cute monogrammed address stamp because we move so much.

6. I can’t sit around and drink wine all day with my friends when I don’t live anywhere near my friends.

7. We moved again, so now I have to learn a whole new set of TV channel numbers.

8. My husband and I had two wedding ceremonies. Now, we have to remember two anniversaries.

9. Went out to eat. Restaurant didn’t offer military discount.

10. Live in an Army town. Can’t even get in the parking lot of restaurants that offer free meals on Veterans’ Day.

11. People think my life is like the show “Army Wives.”

12. I keep having to add posts and deployments to our “Home is where the Army sends us” sign.

13. I went to the Post Office and forgot my customs form. Now, I have to fill a new one out.

14. The new job list came out. None of the places we wanted to go are on it.

What would you add to this list of Army (or military) wife first world problems?