Life lately – January 2019
Happy New Year, friends! We’re already in 2019. Time feels like it’s flying these days. I definitely didn’t mean to drop off the face of the blogging world at the end of December, but scheduling blog posts fell to the bottom of my very long to-do list.

- We spent a wonderful week and a half in Europe with my in-laws, my brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and their son. I’m excited to recap our trip here. We visited Garmisch, Neuschwanstein Castle, Grafenwohr, Munich, Nuremberg, Prague, and Karlovy Vary. It was kind of a whirlwind, and I loved exploring two new countries.
- Since we don’t know how to take relaxing trips, we flew back from Europe to the DC area on Sunday, drove over to Annapolis for the Virginia Tech bowl game on Monday, then drove home to Georgia yesterday. We picked up the kitties from the boarders (Meow Town if you’re local) and spent the afternoon laying around doing nothing.
- We’re back to reality today. Mac left for work around 6:30, the kitties are devouring their breakfast, and the washing machine already has a load running. I feel like the week or so after coming home from traveling is always really hectic. My to-do list may be a mile long by the end of this week.
- Be sure to check back later this week for my reader survey. I figured after almost seven years of blogging that I should ask y’all who read this little space of mine what you actually want to read. It’ll be around 10 questions, and you can submit any specific requests for posts!
How was your New Years? Any resolutions or goals for 2019?