Packing for a sorority convention

I attended my first ever Alpha Gamma Delta Convention a few weeks ago. Being the planner / over-analyzer that I am, I over-planned on what to pack. We had three business sessions and an Alpha Gam day (where we wear red, buff, and green). We also needed a white dress for Initiation / Ritual things and a formal dress for our banquet. Three of our four days required two different outfits (#sororitywomanproblems). So how do you pack?


  1. Use the list they give you. Thankfully, Alpha Gam put together a packing guide that outlined what we needed each day. This was helpful to prevent overlooking an event and to make sure I was following the dress code.
  2. Double check the list. I was scrolling through Twitter and noticed a woman mention that she was having trouble finding a formal white dress. WHAT? I missed that word on the packing list and bought a white sundress. Cue panic and a last-minute search for a formal dress.
  3. Overpack. This is hard for my lean, mean, packing machine self to say, but it’s true. We had a very defined schedule but had some random free time. I wound up with clothes I didn’t wear only because we had two sessions go horrendously past their scheduled time.
  4. Be sure to bring extra casual clothes and a nice outfit. This will give you some options for any free time. I am a pro at forgetting a normal outfit if I’m at a business-attire event. It’s not fun.

Have you ever attended your sorority convention?
