Cotton anniversary
As most of y’all know, Mac and I have two wedding anniversaries. The first was the day we were legally married in December, 2011. The second was our actual wedding in June of 2012. Being the cool kids we are, we’ve decided to celebrate both of them. Our first is recreated at Chili’s where we enjoyed a post-wedding meal. Our June anniversary will be spent on a slightly more traditional route. Last year, we swapped paper gifts. Anniversary #2 is cotton (but really, who thought of these gifts?).
Apparently, someone figured out how to use Etsy. A mysterious package addressed to Mac arrived a week ago, and naturally I opened it. He got us new towels embroidered with our last name that are ever so perfect with a bear and moose on them. They’ll match our current bathroom décor quite well. Being the slacker I am, I haven’t figured out what to get him.
Do y’all follow the traditional wedding gifts? What are you swapping this year?