Countdown to Nashville: one month to go
April 26. One month to go. Yikes. In just one month, I’m running 13.1 miles. For fun. Cue internal screaming.
I ran almost 7 miles on Saturday. I was doing pretty well (for me, averaging around 15:30 minutes a mile). I stopped to reset my playlist and mileage counter, and then I felt the blisters. Oh my goodness, the blisters. My pinky toes erupted, so my last two miles were pure torture. I was running with (well, figuratively speaking) my BFF’s running group, so we met up at Panera after our runs. True story: the only person who finished after me was the lady who ran 18 miles. On our way back to the car, Ashley and I stopped off at PR Running Store. I invested in a new pair of shoes and some running socks instead of the basic cotton ones I wear. They have a lot more support in the arch area and are a half-size bigger, so I should have more comfort on my long runs. I have 8 miles this Saturday. Eek.
Do y’all have any advice for long runs?