On being a cotton-headed ninny-muggins
In the whirlwind rush to pack the car and the cat in pouring down rain on Sunday en route to my parents’ house, I managed to overlook a few Christmas presents for my parents and left them in Virginia. Funny enough, I had this constant nagging feeling that all of our presents weren’t wrapped as I was wrapping them. I chalked it up to the stuff that hadn’t been delivered from Amazon (which hopefully arrive by 8 pm tonight). We were watching “Downton Abbey” with the parentals (this should shock no one), and I realized that I forgot the Downton Abbey themed gift I bought for my mother (keeping it vague in case she reads this before I get it to her). Then I remembered the two books I bought for my dad were in the same box. Fail. So this Christmas elf didn’t quite succeed in her eternal goal of not forgetting things.
Anyone else leave presents behind?