I put a fire out at the ball
Last night, Mac and I attended the dining out for his career course. Basically, it was a formal dinner (but less formal than a ball) for the class. We had a social hour then moved to the ballroom for the program and dinner. As we were being deafened by the Fort Gordon jazz group (they weren’t that bad, but the speakers were wayyyy too loud), we all started to smell something burning. I looked over the next table (that was empty and set for the band) and noticed that one of the programs was all of a sudden ablaze. I awkwardly ran whilst wearing heels and almost sprained my ankle as I grabbed the burning program. I managed to pat the flames out without causing any more fires while everyone else in the room turned to stare at me. Then, of course, our table started joking that I should’ve let the whole place catch on fire so we could leave early.
Dinner was decent. Somehow, I ended up with a steak that was still mooing (I prefer steak cooked medium well). The brigade commander served as the guest speaker; he was very dynamic and had a good message about leadership. We hung out after the speaker because no one wanted to be the first to leave. Mac decided a Zaxby’s run was needed because he passed his final PT test and height / weight, so we picked up some milkshakes on the way home.