Sunday Social: Halloween

1. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?
My mom made us these costumes one year. Leslie was (bridal?) Belle. I was Snow White.
2. If you could go back to your childhood and dress up as something, what would it be?
I would clearly have switched my Snow White outfit out for Belle’s everyday dress.
3. What was your favorite Halloween costume as an adult?
Sadly, I haven’t dressed up for Halloween since college. Junior year, I worked as an official in rec sports. I decided to use my flag football ref jersey as a “sexy ref” costume. I wore it to a party, got beer spilled all over it, and had to go to work the next day reeking of stale beer. Classy.
4. What is your favorite Halloween candy?
I love candy. If I had to pick, I would choose Kit-Kats, Twix, and 3 Musketeers.
5. What is your favorite Halloween memory?
We went trick-or-treating through high school. That was pretty cool. I was in band in high school, and we used to have a costume dance for Halloween.
6. What is your favorite scary movie?
I hate scary movies. My favorite Halloween movie is Hocus Pocus.