25for25: July

July already?

In honor of my 25th birthday this year (umm, what?), I’ve decided against traditional new year’s resolutions and am hopping on the 25 for 25 bandwagon. Basically, 25 goals I want to accomplish by my 25th birthday on September 18.

1. Be a better Christian: attend church regularly, finish The Purpose Driven Life, read the Bible.

2. Lose 25 pounds and keep it off.
I joined a gym. I’m also going to the doctor to get my thyroid checked out. I know several family and friends who have thyroid problems, and I have a lot of the symptoms.

3. Read 25 new books (I’ll give myself until the end of the year for this one).
17ish? I’ve finished 13 of my needed 18 for The Tudor Book Blog Reading Challenge.

4. Move at least once (possibly twice!).
Done. Move one completed! We’re not sure about move 2. The course leader hasn’t given any sort of indication when the list of available jobs will be posted. Mac is also considering trying to stay at Gordon to take another (shorter) course when he’s done with this one.

5. Visit somewhere I’ve never been before.
Done. Savannah and Charleston!

6. Start graduate school. Virginia Tech has made this attempt quite dramatic already.
Done. Starting my second semester next month.

7. Organize our house and get us in better shape to move.
Done. Now we’ve moved to keeping our much-smaller apartment organized.

8. Grow my blog to a point where it can make me some monies.
I checked my AdSense account and have made a whole $15 since starting my blog last year.

9. Celebrate our first wedding anniversary on June 9.

10. Figure out our budget, stick to it, and pay off some of my loans.
Mac and I had this conversation again. A little less talk, a little more action, please.

11. Complete an organized run (at least a 5K).

12. Work out 3 days a week.
We joined Gold’s Gym. I’m going to workout classes everyday that I’m not working.

13. Cook a new recipe at least once a week.
Really should’ve started writing them down. But I would say I’ve done pretty well.

 14. Try out all of the kitchen gadgets we received as wedding gifts. A good many of them are still in their boxes in our garage. Whoops.

15. Watch our Hokies play.
August 31.

16. Hike part of the Appalachian Trail.

17. Design a Hokie room in our next house.
Be sure to check out the apartment tour posts next week 🙂

18. Actually finish a blog project I start for myself.
7 for 7 on this one. And I’m going to start up with my Virginia Tech recipes.

19. Learn how to properly apply eyeliner.

20. Do some pins from Pinterest.
This was really vague, but done. I’m posting about my date book tomorrow. Come back to see it!

21. Host link-up parties on my blog.
Meal planning Monday! Check it out.

22. Be pen pals with my college friends.

23. Make new friends.
One of Mac’s classmates and his wife actually live a floor above us. He stopped by the other night to introduce himself and suggested we all get together for a “play-date.”

24. Keep the house and garage clean.

25. Enjoy turning 25!