Army life

  • How to get involved at a new duty station

    I’ve mentioned this before, but I really think it’s important for military spouses to get involved at a new duty station. The military life can be isolating and lonely if you keep to yourself, and I know introverts can struggle with meeting new people. Putting yourself out there can result in lifelong friendships with a…

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  • The military spouse job search

    The military life can move you all over the United States and the world. The military spouse job search poses some unique challenges for spouses who want to work at each duty station. I’ve worked at each of Mac’s five duty stations since we moved in together, so here are my tips for finding success…

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  • Why we lived off-post at Fort Carson

    I realized after sharing why we live on post at Fort Gordon that I never posted about our decision to live off-post at Fort Carson.  Back in the fall of 2014, Mac received orders, and we knew we were officially moving to Fort Carson. The housing allowance in the Colorado Springs area is pretty generous,…

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  • Why we decided to live on-post at Fort Gordon

    Every time we move, we have to decide what we are going to do for housing. When we found out we were moving back to Fort Gordon, we planned to be here about two years. We had already lived here, so we were familiar with the housing options. Real estate is reasonably cheap here, and…

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  • Avoiding the job search burnout

    The job search these days is a long and arduous process. For most of us, gone are the days of mailing out unsolicited resumes, getting calls for multiple interviews, and picking your best option from several job offers. Several members of my graduate program cohort and I are still in the throes of finding a job, even with…

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  • Our second Georgia moving announcements

    I don’t know about y’all, but I love sending and receiving real paper mail. A nice card is a way to brighten up weeks of junk mail, credit card solicitations, and catalogues I get even though I have no idea why. I love sending moving announcements and picking out new designs whenever we move. For…

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