
  • Flagler College

    Our hotel was also a few blocks away from Flagler College. We decided to explore the campus since it’s considered to be one of the most beautiful college campuses in the United States. The whole campus is walkable, a few square blocks in the heart of the more historic and touristy areas of the town….

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  • A long weekend in St. Augustine

    St. Augustine has been on my list of places to visit for years. I’ve always wanted to visit America’s oldest city, and we’re close enough that a long weekend in Saint Augustine is an easy trip away. I convinced Mac to go over MLK weekend. We drove down on Friday and came home Sunday afternoon….

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  • My Lasik experience

    Back when I started grad school, I decided that I would treat myself to Lasik surgery after I graduated and landed a full-time job. I’ve worn glasses since I was seven and contacts since about 12, so I decided it was the a cost-effective decision. In October, I found myself on my last few sets…

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  • Oktoberfest in Helen, Georgia

    Oh, wait? A blog post that’s months late? Who am I? In my continuing mission to see all of the things in the places we live, Mac and I trekked about three hours into North Georgia to experience Oktoberfest in Helen, Georgia. Helen, a Bavarian-inspired village, is home to the world’s longest Oktoberfest. It’s a…

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  • Why we decided to live on-post at Fort Gordon

    Every time we move, we have to decide what we are going to do for housing. When we found out we were moving back to Fort Gordon, we planned to be here about two years. We had already lived here, so we were familiar with the housing options. Real estate is reasonably cheap here, and…

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  • 2018 – 7 weeks in

    I’m not on top of this blogging thing. I have a running list of post ideas and drafts but haven’t had that burst of inspiration and motivation to get them done. 2018 has been a pretty low-key year so far. We always travel for Christmas, so coming home is bit more relaxing than you would…

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