
  • Chicken with peppers and onions

    I’m always on the lookout for meal prep tips and tricks. I happened across this recipe pin for an easy fajita filling of chicken with peppers and onions straight from the oven. It works rather well, and I’ve tried modifying it with different seasonings.     You just bake chicken with peppers and onions (I…

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  • On being a boring married couple

    Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day! I must admit that Mac and I aren’t the most scintillating of couples. We’re homebodies at heart and are perfectly happy sprawled on a couch at home watching our latest Netflix movie (we’re on a roll, y’all). Maybe it’s because we’ve lived in Fayetteville for three years. This town isn’t…

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  • Wednesday Walkabout Mystery Host

    I’m the mystery host for this week’s Wednesday Walkabout!   What is a Walkabout? It’s a blog link-up party, every week here and with our co-hosts! Simply put your blog address or a specific post in the linky, visit some other people, and make some friends. Easy at that! I can’t wait to talk to…

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  • The great housing debate

    Mac and I (and every military couple / family) have to decide our housing situation every time we move. The Army provides Mac with a basic allowance for housing (BAH) if he lives off post. This does not totally cover that cost, but it can help offset it. BuyA lot of military families decide to…

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  • Sunday Social: 4 things

    Happy Drinko de Mayo! And it’s my grandmother’s birthday. It’s amazing how having to come up with four simple things about yourself can prove so difficult, haha.     1. 4 favorite things to do on a weekendSpend time with Mac, clean out the DVR, catch up on grad school work (not a favorite but…

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