Life Lately – May 2022
Hello, friends! April breezed by, and it’s already May. Cue the Justin Timberlake memes.

- I’m excited to announce that I have accepted a new job! I am now an Associate Director of Admissions at a university in Virginia. I’ll be working remotely full-time, but I’ll go to campus once a month or so after we move. I visited campus for the first time last month for a meet and greet and training. While I was in Virginia, I was able to attend a dear sorority sister’s wedding. It was great to see so many of my friends and to spend time with them.
- And before I started my new job, Mac and I zipped up to Albuquerque for a quick long weekend. We were able to cross off four more NPS sites and explore a new city. It’s probably the last weekend trip we’ll take before we move, so it was nice to get away. I may also have started planning trips for when we move back to the East Coast.
- The end of my third semester is just around the corner. It’s crazy that I’m almost done with the first year of my doctoral program. We have two weeks off before we jump back into summer semester with three more classes.
- Our move is also coming quickly. We’re listing our house, and we’re hoping that we can go under contract soon. The past week has been full of deep cleaning and organizing. Our move is scheduled, and our time in Texas is winding down. We’re also house hunting in Virginia, so we’ll see how that goes. Northern Virginia is a crazy place to buy a house normally, and the past two years have not helped things.
- I don’t have a ton of new flavors this month. I’ve been shopping our pantry for most of our meals, so my grocery trips have been smaller. I did find these crunchy cookie M&Ms. They’re the crispy filling and cookie flavor in a white chocolate M&M. Overall, they were pretty decent. I did manage to eat pimento cheese three days in a row in Virginia, including this Bojangles Cajun filet biscuit with a scoop of pimento cheese on top.
What’s new with y’all?