Life Lately – August 2021
Hello, friends! July felt like it lasted about five months, but it’s kind of crazy that we’re at the end of summer. Kids around here are already back in school, and I’m working on admissions things and applications for our 2022 start dates.

- I spent a great two weeks in Virginia with my cohort. My Ed.D. program follows a hybrid model, so we’ll spend time on campus throughout the program. It was great meeting everyone, attending class in person, and spending time with people. My family and friends made it down to Williamsburg, so I got to visit with them, as well. I enjoyed my time there, and we’re in the home stretch to wrap up the semester.
- Squirrel season is back! If you’ve been around here for long, you know that I love squirrels. I popped over to At Home last week (they got me with a fall decor email), and I snagged two more squirrels for my collection. And I’m now in the mood to decorate for fall. I didn’t do much last year, so I’m planning to pull everything out and make the house a bit more seasonal.
- The end of summer also means green chile season. Mac and I love green chile, so I grabbed a 25-pound box at the grocery store. We’ll roast some and freeze most of them to have delicious chile for the next year. Sadly, I’m not sure if the Green Chile Festival is happening this year. We may head up to Hatch anyways.
- And on to the new flavor updates. I grabbed these Fruity Cereal (Fruit Loops) flavored Kit Kats. They were interesting. I honestly thought they were too sweet. They’re a white chocolate base with sweet and crunchy fruity cereal bits. Mac would be a much bigger fan of these Kit Kats than I was. Next up was this Cheez-It popcorn. It’s a really solid cheddar popcorn, though the Cheez-It flavor wasn’t terribly noticeable.
What’s going on with y’all? Any end of summer plans?