10 accomplishments from the past ten years

10 years. Only a decade ago, I was in high school. I suppose I’ve done 10 cool things since then. Though when I have to come up with a list of a certain number of things, I can’t do it. So here are some of my accomplishments from the past ten years, in no particular order.


1. I graduated from college.

2. I married the same guy twice.

3. I finished two half-marathons (made more impressive by the fact that I hate running). 

4. I watched over 40 seasons of TV shows in one year. Putting that BS to good use, y’all.

5. I was accepted into graduate school (technically two different ones).

6. I’ve lived in five states.

7. I’ve led an interesting enough life to keep a blog going for three years.

8. I managed to adopt my cat’s doppelgänger.

9. I read the entire Bible.

10. On the 479th anniversary of Anne Boleyn’s execution, I am still as obsessed with Tudor history as I was the day I stood by the site where she commended her soul to God. Good to know that some things haven’t changed.

What are some of your accomplishments in the past decade?