My early birthday present

One major perk of being the only daughter-in-law is my monopoly on the in-laws’ affections. Granted, they do actually like me, but I’m their only viable route for grandkids. Accordingly, my birthday presents have improved as time has passed. My first birthday present was a wallet which upgraded to a gift card then this year’s biggie.


My in-laws very generously gifted me a new camera. I’ve been wanting a DSLR for years and have carefully researched and explored what I wanted. We went camera shopping the last day Mac was home, and I came home with a new Canon Rebel t3i (and two lenses). I also bought a how-to book and a bunch of new accessories from Amazon. I’m incredibly excited to use it and can’t wait to photograph more stuff!

What recommendations do y’all have for using a DSLR? Any must-have accessories?