On marrying young
Last week, I saw an article talking about the hiring of Pat Summit’s son to be a head coach at the ripe old age of 23. His personal website came up in the list of article search results, and the description mentioned “husband.” No lie, my first reaction was, “Wow, married at 23. That’s young.” For those of y’all new to these parts, I got married 23. And apparently completely forgot how old I was when I got married. And the fact that I’m 25 and have been married over two years.
Personally, I don’t think there’s a right age or a wrong age to get married. It really depends on the person you’re with and your life at the time. Honestly, I could’ve gotten married at 21. Mac and I got married when we did because it made sense to do it at that time.
What’s your ideal age to get married? Was it the same age that you were married?