
  • Our Outer Banks honeymoon

    Now that we’ve decided on an Outer Banks honeymoon, we’re looking at what to do while we are there. The Outer Banks have a lot of interesting things to explore besides the beach, and we want to make the most of our time there. Here’s what we considered when planning our Outer Banks honeymoon. Where…

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  • Honeymoon planning

    Mac and I threw several ideas around during our honeymoon planning stage while he was still deployed. I voted for an all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean. He suggested a cruise. I began pricing out the different options and looking at dates. We also talked about going on vacation when he got home from Afghanistan. We…

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  • Party like it’s 1999

    Obviously, a large number of our guests would be traveling to our wedding. I really wanted to do something else for everybody. It doesn’t seem fair to me that they should come so far and only have the wedding to attend. I realize that most folks invite extended family and more friends to the rehearsal,…

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  • 3 weeks and counting!

    Last night, I had the honor of attending my sorority Little’s wedding. A great time was had by all, and I was beyond touched to watch her marry her best friend and true love. It made me all mushy gushy inside. I was able to set aside the constant swirl of wedding to-dos in my…

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