
  • High Five for Good Friday

    1. It’s Good Friday. Whoot. Enjoy my favorite hymn. 2. I’m wearing a dress for Easter that I bought last September for a wedding. The dress didn’t fit then, but I’m down about 25 pounds. Whoot. 3. I’m not the biggest fan of Windows 8. I get the tile formation is supposed to be cool…

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  • Deja vu all over again

    Remember that time my computer crashed, and I had to blog from my phone? Guess what happened Tuesday night? Surprise, surprise, my computer died. Apparently the hard drive crashed. After a phone session with Christopher from HP (who was really helpful), we determined that it would be more cost effective to just try to salvage…

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  • NeVer forgeT 4.16.2007

    Today is my least favorite day of the year. April 16th is a painful, bitter day for the Virginia Tech community. The emotions of that cold Monday morning feel too fresh to have happened seven long years ago. The confusion, the pain, the unanswerable question why. Seven years have passed since that day. Seven years…

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  • Searching for gratitude

    Do you ever find yourself complaining just because you can? These days, I’m complaining too much. I work too much. I don’t make enough money. I want a full-time job. Blah blah blah. So I’m going to work on being more grateful. Grateful that I have a job. Grateful that my co-workers are funny, nice,…

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  • Sunday Social: some bests

    1. What was your best birthday?21. My family and Mac came to visit. We beat Nebraska (Tyrod did it, Mikey!). General shenanigans. 2. What was your best vacation?Hmm. We did a lot of road trips growing up. Those were lots of fun. I also enjoyed the road trips Mac and I have taken. 3. Best…

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